Source code for doozer.extensions

"""Extension base."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterable, Mapping, Optional

from . import base

__all__ = ("Extension",)

[docs]class Extension: """A base class for Hension extensions. Args: app (Optional[doozer.base.Application]): An application instance that has an attribute named settings that contains a mapping of settings to interact with a database. """ def __init__(self, app: Optional[base.Application] = None) -> None: """Initialize an instance of the extension. If app is provided, init_app will also be called with the provided application. Otherwise, init_app must be called with an application explicitly before the extension's reference to an application is usable. Args: app: An application instance that will be initialized. """ self._app = None if app: self.init_app(app) @property def DEFAULT_SETTINGS(self) -> Mapping: # NOQA: N802 """A ``dict`` of default settings for the extension. When a setting is not specified by the application instance and has a default specified, the default value will be used. Extensions should define this where appropriate. Defaults to ``{}``. """ # NOQA: D401 return {} @property def REQUIRED_SETTINGS(self) -> Iterable: # NOQA: N802 """An ``iterable`` of required settings for the extension. When an extension has required settings that do not have default values, their keys may be specified here. Upon extension initialization, an exception will be raised if a value is not set for each key specified in this list. Extensions should define this where appropriate. Defaults to ``()``. """ # NOQA: D401 return ()
[docs] def init_app(self, app: base.Application) -> None: """Initialize the application. In addition to associating the extension's default settings with the application, this method will also check for the extension's required settings. Args: app: An application instance that will be initialized. """ for key, value in self.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.items(): app.settings.setdefault(key, value) required_settings = set(self.REQUIRED_SETTINGS) current_settings = set(app.settings.keys()) missing_settings = required_settings - current_settings if missing_settings: raise KeyError( "{} requires the following missing settings: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(str(key) for key in missing_settings), ) ) if hasattr(self, "register_cli"): self.register_cli() self._app = app self._app.extensions[self.__class__.__name__.lower()] = self
@property def app(self) -> "base.Application": """Return the registered app.""" if not self._app: raise RuntimeError( "No application has been assigned to this instance. " "init_app must be called before referencing" ) return self._app