Source code for doozer.base

"""Implementation of the service."""
from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop, Future, Queue
from contextlib import suppress
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import sys
import traceback
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, NoReturn, Optional

from . import extensions
from .config import Config
from .exceptions import Abort
from .types import Callback, Consumer, Message

__all__ = ("Application",)

[docs]class Application: """A service application. Each message received from the consumer will be passed to the callback. Args: name: The name of the application. settings: An object with attributed-based settings. consumer: Any object that is an iterator or an iterable and yields instances of any type that is supported by ``callback``. While this isn't required, it must be provided before the application can be run. callback: A callable object that takes two arguments, an instance of :class:`doozer.base.Application` and the (possibly) preprocessed incoming message. While this isn't required, it must be provided before the application can be run. """ def __init__( self, name: str, settings: Optional[Any] = None, *, consumer: Optional[Consumer] = None, callback: Optional[Callback] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the class.""" = name # Configuration self.settings = Config() self.settings.from_object(settings or {}) self.settings.setdefault("DEBUG", False) self.settings.setdefault("SLEEP_TIME", 0.1) # Callbacks self.callback = callback self._callbacks: Dict[str, List[Callback]] = { "error": [], "message_acknowledgement": [], "message_preprocessor": [], "result_postprocessor": [], "startup": [], "teardown": [], } self.extensions: Dict[str, extensions.Extension] = {} self.consumer = consumer self.logger = logging.getLogger( def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return "<Application: {}>".format(self)
[docs] def error(self, callback: Callback) -> Callback: """Register an error callback. Args: callback: A callable object that takes three arguments: an instance of :class:`doozer.base.Application`, the incoming message, and the exception that was raised. It will be called any time there is an exception while reading a message from the queue. Returns: The callback. Raises: TypeError: If the callback isn't a coroutine. """ self._register_callback(callback, "error") return callback
[docs] def message_acknowledgement(self, callback: Callback) -> Callback: """Register a message acknowledgement callback. Args: callback: A callable object that takes two arguments: an instance of :class:`doozer.base.Application` and the original incoming message as its only argument. It will be called once a message has been fully processed. Returns: The callback. Raises: TypeError: If the callback isn't a coroutine. """ self._register_callback(callback, "message_acknowledgement") return callback
[docs] def message_preprocessor(self, callback: Callback) -> Callback: """Register a message preprocessing callback. Args: callback: A callable object that takes two arguments: an instance of :class:`doozer.base.Application` and the incoming message. It will be called for each incoming message with its result being passed to ``callback``. Returns: The callback. Raises: TypeError: If the callback isn't a coroutine. """ self._register_callback(callback, "message_preprocessor") return callback
[docs] def result_postprocessor(self, callback: Callback) -> Callback: """Register a result postprocessing callback. Args: callback: A callable object that takes two arguments: an instance of :class:`doozer.base.Application` and a result of processing the incoming message. It will be called for each result returned from ``callback``. Returns: The callback. Raises: TypeError: If the callback isn't a coroutine. """ self._register_callback(callback, "result_postprocessor") return callback
[docs] def run_forever( self, num_workers: int = 1, loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> NoReturn: """Consume from the consumer until interrupted. Args: num_workers: The number of asynchronous tasks to use to process messages received through the consumer. Defaults to 1. loop: An event loop that, if provided, will be used for running the application. If none is provided, the default event loop will be used. debug: Whether or not to run with debug mode enabled. Defaults to True. Raises: TypeError: If the consumer is None or the callback isn't a coroutine. .. versionchanged:: 1.2 Unhandled exceptions resulting from processing a message while the consumer is still active will stop cause the application to shut down gracefully. """ if self.consumer is None: raise TypeError("The Application's consumer cannot be None.") if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.callback): raise TypeError("The Application's callback must be a coroutine.") # Use the specified event loop, otherwise use the default one. loop = loop or _new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # Start the application. tasks = [ loop.create_task(callback(self)) for callback in self._callbacks["startup"] ] future = asyncio.gather(*tasks) loop.run_until_complete(future) # The following debug mode checks are intentionally separate. # Using a check of `if debug or self.settings['DEBUG']` would # accomplish the same thing but wouldn't respect the # PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG environment variable. if debug: # Set the application's debug mode to true if run_forever # was called with debug enabled. self.settings["DEBUG"] = True if self.settings["DEBUG"]: # If the application is running in debug mode, enable it for # the loop and set the logger to DEBUG. If, however, the # log level was set to something lower than DEBUG, don't # change it. loop.set_debug(True) self.logger.setLevel(min(self.logger.level, logging.DEBUG)) self.logger.debug("application.started") # Create an asynchronous queue to pass the messages from the # consumer to the processor. The queue should hold one message # for each processing task. queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=num_workers) # Create a task to monitor the consumer. consumer = loop.create_task(self._consume(queue)) # Create tasks to process each message received by the # consumer and wrap them inside a future. When the loop stops # running it should be restarted and wait until the future is # done. tasks = [ loop.create_task(self._process(consumer, queue, loop)) for _ in range(num_workers) ] future = asyncio.gather(*tasks) try: # Run the loop until the consumer says to stop or message # processing fails. loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(consumer, future)) except BaseException: self.logger.exception("loop.canceled") finally: # If something went wrong while processing the message, # cancel the consumer. This will alert the processors to # stop once the queue is empty. consumer.cancel() # Run the loop until message processing completes. This will # allow the tasks to finish processing all of the messages # in the queue and then exit cleanly. loop.run_until_complete(future) # Check for any exceptions that may have been raised by the # tasks inside the future. exc = future.exception() if exc: self.logger.exception("tasks.erred", exc_info=exc) # Teardown tasks = [ loop.create_task(callback(self)) for callback in self._callbacks["teardown"] ] future = asyncio.gather(*tasks) loop.run_until_complete(future) # Clean up after ourselves. loop.close() self.logger.debug("application.stopped")
[docs] def startup(self, callback: Callback) -> Callback: """Register a startup callback. Args: callback: A callable object that takes an instance of :class:`~doozer.base.Application` as its only argument. It will be called once when the application first starts up. Returns: The callback. Raises: TypeError: If the callback isn't a coroutine. """ self._register_callback(callback, "startup") return callback
[docs] def teardown(self, callback: Callback) -> Callback: """Register a teardown callback. Args: callback: A callable object that takes an instance of :class:`~doozer.base.Application` as its only argument. It will be called once when the application is shutting down. Returns: The callback. Raises: TypeError: If the callback isn't a coroutine. """ self._register_callback(callback, "teardown") return callback
async def _abort(self, exc: Abort) -> None: """Log the aborted message. Args: exc: The exception to be logged. """ tb = sys.exc_info()[-1] stack = traceback.extract_tb(tb, 1)[-1] self.logger.debug( "callback.aborted", extra={ "exception": exc, "exception_message": exc.message, "aborted_by": stack, }, ) async def _apply_callbacks(self, callbacks: List[Callback], value: Message) -> Any: """Apply callbacks to a set of arguments. The callbacks will be called in the order in which they are specified, with the return value of each being passed to the next callback. Args: callbacks (List[callable]): The callbacks to apply to the provided arguments. value: The value to pass to the first callback. Returns: The return value of the final callback. """ for callback in callbacks: value = await callback(self, value) return value async def _consume(self, queue: Queue) -> None: """Read in incoming messages. Messages will be read from the consumer until it raises an :class:`~doozer.exceptions.Abort` exception. Args: queue: Any messages read in by the consumer will be added to the queue to share them with any future processing the messages. """ while True: # Read messages and add them to the queue. try: value = await except Abort: self.logger.debug("consumer.aborted") return else: await queue.put(value) async def _process( self, future: Future, queue: Queue, loop: AbstractEventLoop ) -> None: """Process incoming messages. Args: future: The future that, when done, will indicate that the consumer is no longer receiving new messages. queue: A queue containing incoming messages to be processed. loop: The event loop used by the application. """ while True: if queue.empty(): # If there aren't any messages in the queue, check to # see if the consumer is done. If it is, exit. # Otherwise yield control back to the event loop and # then try again. if future.done(): break await asyncio.sleep(self.settings["SLEEP_TIME"]) continue message = await queue.get() # Save a copy of the original message in case its needed # later. original_message = deepcopy(message) try: message = await self._apply_callbacks( self._callbacks["message_preprocessor"], message ) self.logger.debug("message.preprocessed") results = await self.callback(self, message) except Abort as e: await self._abort(e) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("message.failed", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) for callback in self._callbacks["error"]: # Any callback can prevent execution of further # callbacks by raising Abort. try: await callback(self, message, e) except Abort: break else: await self._postprocess_results(results) finally: # Don't use _apply_callbacks here since we want to pass # the original message into each callback. for callback in self._callbacks["message_acknowledgement"]: await callback(self, original_message) self.logger.debug("message.acknowledged") # If there are no new messages in the queue, _process # won't reassign the variables that it uses to track the # message and its results. This will cause the memory to # stay allocated longer than the application needs it. # By destroying the references to the objects that are # no longer needed, the memory can be freed up for other # things to use. with suppress(UnboundLocalError): # If an exception was raised, results may not have # been set. del results del message del original_message async def _postprocess_results(self, results: Iterable) -> None: """Postprocess the results. Args: results: The results returned by processing the message. """ if results is None: return for result in results: try: await self._apply_callbacks( self._callbacks["result_postprocessor"], result ) self.logger.debug("result.postprocessed") except Abort as e: await self._abort(e) def _register_callback(self, callback: Callback, callback_container: str) -> None: """Register a callback. Args: callback: The callback to register. callback_container: The name of the container onto which to append the callback. Raises: TypeError: If the callback isn't a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(callback): raise TypeError("The callback must be a coroutine.") self._callbacks[callback_container].append(callback) self.logger.debug( "callback.registered", extra={"type": callback_container, "callback": callback.__qualname__}, ) def _teardown(self, future: Future, loop: AbstractEventLoop) -> None: """Tear down the application.""" tasks = [ asyncio.create_tasks(callback(self)) for callback in self._callbacks["teardown"] ] future = asyncio.gather(*tasks) loop.run_until_complete(future)
def _new_event_loop() -> AbstractEventLoop: """Return a new event loop. If `uvloop <>`_ is installed, its event loop will be used. Otherwise, the default event loop provided by asyncio will be used. The latter behavior can be overridden by setting the event loop policy. Returns: The new event loop. """ try: import uvloop except ImportError: return asyncio.new_event_loop() else: return uvloop.new_event_loop()